I enjoy using a big screen Mac on my desk and using my iPad as my tech emissary. I get the hard work done on my Mac and my iPad carries all that data to my workplace where I plug it into my 20” display, keyboard, and mouse using a $100 hub/stand. At the end of the workday, I stow my iPad into my handbag and go home. And, it’s so much easier to review things or make minor edits on an iPad mini in a café.

While using my Mac, the iPad can either wirelessly attach via Sidecar (an extra screen for the Mac) or it can be independent yet share the Mac keyboard/mouse via Universal Control. I much prefer Universal Control for the iPad mini as using an external keyboard is a must for documents and spreadsheets.

Traveling with the iPad mini requires very little thought or consideration. It fits into just about any handbag with a charger. It’s comfortably used one-handed, has speakers, and a USB-C port. I bought the Apple Folio case/stand and have been very satisfied with it.